Types of Brain Tumors-HealthQM

What Are the Main Types of Brain Tumors?

Brain tumors are categorized according to their brain tissue origin and how fast they grow. Fast-growing brain tumors are known as high-grade tumors, while slow-growing ones are known as low-grade tumors. Below are some of the most known brain tumors: 1. What Is Ependymoma? Ependymoma is a tumor that originates from ependymal cells which together…

Cell Phones and Brain Cancers

Does Mobile Phone Use Affect the brain?

Due to the high levels of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields that are emitted by mobile phones, there are concerns about their potential association with brain cancer. Although several studies have been published on this subject, these remain highly conflicting and sometimes controversial, and therefore, require further investigations. Therefore, the World Health Organization (WHO) considered this issue…