Balance Disorders-HealthQM

What Causes Balance Issues in Older Adults?

A balance issue is a feeling of being unsteady, dizzy, confused, floating, spinning, or lightheaded. There are many disorders and conditions that cause balance issues: 1. Which Part of the Body Controls Balance? The body balance is controlled by different systems and organs including the inner ears, vision, touch, and muscles [1]. The inner ear…

What Is a Tic Disorder? HealthQM

How Do You Know If You Have a Tic Disorder?

Tics are involuntary and repetitive sounds (vocal tics) or movements (motor tics) that can be rapid, sudden, recurrent, and nonrhythmic [1]. They are due to an urge or sensation that eases after performing the movement or the sound. 1. What Are the Types of Tics? 1.1. Primary Tics Transient tic disorders are motor or vocal…