How Does Smell Get from the Nose to the Brain?

How Does Smell Get from the Nose to the Brain?

Odorous substances in the air are processed through the following steps: 1. What Part of the Brain Is Most Responsible for Smell? There are several and important parts of the brain that are responsible for smell; however, the olfactory bulb is responsible for transmitting the olfactory (smell) information from the olfactory nerves to the brain…

What Are the 7 Major Neurotransmitters (and Their Role in Diseases)?

What Are the 7 Major Neurotransmitters (and Their Role in Diseases)?

Neurotransmitters are messengers that transmit specific chemical instructions from a neuron to another neuron and from neurons to tissues and organs. The 7 major neurotransmitters are: Neurotransmitters are produced by neurons and released in gaps that are found between neurons and between neurons and organs. These junctions are known as synapses. When neurotransmitters are released…