Common Bone Diseases HealthQM

What Are the Most Common Bone Diseases?

Bone diseases are characterized by alterations in the formation, mineralization, and resorption of the bone tissue. The following are the most common diseases of the bone tissue: 1. What is Bone Made of? The bone is a hard connective tissue (support and connect tissues) that contains a honey-comb shaped structure made of a mineralized matrix…

Cancer a Failed By-product of Genetic Evolution-healthquestionsmatters (HealthQM)

Cancer a Failed By-product of Genetic Evolution?

“Cancer, a Failed By-product of Genetic Evolution?” has long been a prevailing notion in the study of oncology, suggesting that cancer is a consequence of genetic mutations gone awry during the process of evolution. This concept proposes that cancer arises as a by-product of genetic adaptations that confer advantages for survival and reproduction but inadvertently…