Brain Executive Functions-HealthQM

What Part of the Brain Controls Executive Function?

Executive functions are mainly controlled by the prefrontal regions of the frontal lobes, including the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, the anterior cingulate cortex, and the orbitofrontal cortex [1]. 1. What Are the Executive Functions? Executive functions are higher-level cognitive skills and processes that are necessary for the control and coordination of other cognitive abilities and behaviors…

What Part of the Brain Controls Breathing-healthquestionsmatters (HealthQM)

What Part of the Brain Controls Breathing?

What Part of the Brain Controls Breathing? Understanding the intricate mechanisms of respiration is vital for grasping the complexities of human physiology. Among the myriad functions orchestrated by the brain, the regulation of breathing stands as one of the most crucial. Delving into neuroscience, we explore how the brain intricately controls the rhythm and depth…

What Controls Speech and Langue in the Brain?-HealthQM

What Part of the Brain Is Responsible for Speech and Language?

Speech and language are controlled by several areas in the brain, including Broca’s area in the frontal lobe of the left cerebral hemisphere, Wernicke’s area in the temporal lobe of the cerebral hemisphere, and the angular gyrus in the parietal lobe. 1. The Broca’s Area 1.1. What Is the Function of the Broca’s Area? The…