Brain Arteries-HealthQM

What are the arteries that supply blood to the brain?

The brain receives blood from two pairs of arteries: the internal carotid arteries and the vertebral arteries which come together to form the circle of Willis at the base of the brain [1]. 1. Internal Carotid Arteries Internal carotid arteries consist of the left internal carotid artery and the right internal carotid artery which run…

What Are the Functions of The Cerebellum-HealthQM

What Are the Main Functions of the Cerebellum?

The cerebellum is situated at the base of the brain in the posterior cranial fossa (the most posterior part of the skull base) and has the following functions: However, functional imaging studies indicated its potential involvement in cognition, including working memory, executive functioning (e.g., attention, reasoning, and problem-solving), time perception, language, and emotional processing [1]….

How Taste Works? HealthQM

How Does Taste Work in the Brain?

The part of the brain responsible for taste (gustation) is known as the gustatory cortex or primary gustatory cortex. It is involved in the perception and differentiation between different types of taste [1]. However, there are several steps before taste information reaches the gustatory cortex for processing: The papillae contain taste buds that are specialized…