Types of Brain Tumors-HealthQM

What Are the Main Types of Brain Tumors?

Brain tumors are categorized according to their brain tissue origin and how fast they grow. Fast-growing brain tumors are known as high-grade tumors, while slow-growing ones are known as low-grade tumors. Below are some of the most known brain tumors: 1. What Is Ependymoma? Ependymoma is a tumor that originates from ependymal cells which together…

What Is the Reward System of the Brain?-HealthQM

What Is the Reward System of the Brain?

The brain reward system or mesocorticolimbic circuit is a brain circuit that controls addictive behaviors, mood, feeding behaviors, positive emotions (e.g., pleasure), and learning [1]. 1. What Activates the Reward System? The reward system is activated every time we experience something rewarding. For instance, the reward system is triggered when eating something we really enjoy…

Can a Fungal Infection Cause Brain Lesions?-HealthQM

Can a Fungal Infection Cause Brain Lesions?

Fungal infections of the brain become more common over the past 2 decades and can cause the following syndromes [1]: 1. What Is Fungal Meningitis and What Causes It? Fungal meningitis is the inflammation of the membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord which is caused by the following genera of fungi: Fungal meningitis…

What Is Called When You Have Worms in Your Brain?-HealthQM

What Is Called When You Have Worms in Your Brain?

The most known parasite infection of the brain is Neurocysticercosis or Cysticercosis Cellulosae which is caused by the flatworm (Cestode), Taenia solium. It is transmitted to humans through fecal-oral contamination or the consumption of pig meat infected with taenia cysts [1]. Neurocysticercosis results in the production of cysts in the brain parenchyma leading to headaches,…

What Are Analgesics?-HealthQM

What Does Analgesic Do to the Body?

Analgesics or pain killers are drugs used to relieve pain without losing consciousness. They are classified into the following categories: Nonopioid Analgesics include drugs such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), acetaminophen, and dipyrone. Opioid Analgesics or narcotic analgesics include drugs such as morphine, codeine, tramadol, and tapentadol. Adjuvant Analgesics include drugs such as GABA agonists,…

What Happens in the Brain When You Smell? HealthQM

How Does Smell Get from the Nose to the Brain?

Odorous substances in the air are processed through the following steps: 1. What Part of the Brain Is Most Responsible for Smell? There are several and important parts of the brain that are responsible for smell; however, the olfactory bulb is responsible for transmitting the olfactory (smell) information from the olfactory nerves to the brain…

What Causes Hallucinations? HealthQM

What Causes the Brain to Hallucinate?

Hallucinations are due to many causes that are associated with the type of hallucination. The most common causes are: More information on the different types of hallucinations and their causes are provided below. 1- How Do You Know If You Hallucinate? If an individual is hearing, seeing, smelling, tasting, and feeling (touch) things that are…